How many years have you enjoyed your Walkabout Hat ? Send me your story and pictures

Andy John and his son Henry of Novato, CA told me " the best hat I ever bought, I got it from you in 1996 ! and I still wear it often, Just love it mate ! ".

There is no way I can count the hats I have sold around the world these past 27 plus years, one at a time; no less count the amazing people I have met, and many have come to be known as friends. It's like homecoming to go back to a town, city or village and hook up year-after-year. I have seen entire families grow up, get married, and have kids. 

One thing is for sure, there is something good about helping people to look good, and feel great, and in doing so, affect their lives in a positive way. It's not possible to explain this in detail in a short blog; only to say I have seen it with my own eyes. There is some kind of a psychological shift in the process that changes people. Without being weird, hats do and can change lives.


Send me your story to, and I would love to publish it!  Thank you everybody along the way, keep on going on your own Walkabout Journey.

Share the goodwill, and stay positive.


 Oshkosh Air Show Walkabout Hats




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